Service & maintenance
You can rely on our technicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply call our emergency repair service (also at night) to report a failure.
Continuity of your operating processes starts with good maintenance. Preventive maintenance is of the utmost importance. Whether it’s a pump that runs every day or one that’s only used in emergencies (e.g. in a fire extinguishing system), maintenance is a primary requirement. Van der Ende Group will also be your maintenance provider, for all kinds of pumps or systems.
We perform maintenance in line with professional standards, and replace the necessary parts on time. Our technicians are constantly trained and retrained, so you can be certain that they’re using the latest and most efficient techniques and technologies. On request, we can provide an annual maintenance contract. If you’re looking for a professional maintenance technician, then Van der Ende Group is the place to be.
Van der Ende Group has the Kiwa process certificate for quality-controlled maintenance of pump installations and pumping stations.
Repair service (on call 24/7)
You can rely on our service technicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply call our emergency repair service (also at night) to report a failure. We have been a Xylem Lowara Service Partner for many years.
We offer:
How to contact our repair service?
If you have a problem, you can call us directly on: +31 174 51 50 50. During office hours, your call will be answered by our service coordinators, who have the required experience to assess the urgency of the problem, in consultation with you, and if necessary can immediately send a service technician. After office hours, your call will be answered directly by the on-duty service technician. The telephone number for the repair service in Oss is +31 412 63 13 78. During office hours, you will speak to a member of the office staff in Oss; after office hours, your call will be answered directly by the on-duty service technician.
Precision alignment
Alignment is extremely important when installing any rotating machine driven by a coupling. Our service and workshop technicians ensure precision alignment, using the most advanced laser equipment.
The benefits of alignment are: