Service & Workshop

Home Service & Workshop

Range of services

You can rely on our technicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply call our emergency repair service (also at night) to report a failure. Our workshop technicians are also on hand to assist you at all times. You can call on our maintenance, overhaul and repair service for pumps anytime. But not only pumps: Van der Ende Groep can also take care of your valves, motors, fans, frequency converters, speed reduction gear motors, and much more. We are familiar with all brands.

Warranty & returns

Quality is assured when you buy a pump from our product range. But in the unlikely event of a defect, you can invoke our warranty in line with the Terms & Conditions of the Dutch Metal Union. Our own engineers will thoroughly examine the defective pump. If the problem lies in the pump itself, they will repair the defect immediately. If this isn’t possible, you will usually receive a new pump right away, with no long delays due to manufacturer’s procedures.