Van der Ende Groep at Main stage during GreenTech Live & Online 2020

Online registration and opening hours

Please go to GreenTech Live & Online 2020 website to register your visit.

The opening hours of GreenTech Live & Online 2020:

  • Tuesday 20 October 09.00-18.30 hr
  • Wednesday 21 October 10.00-18.30 hr
  • Thursday 22 October 10.00-19.00 hr

It is our pleasure to invite you to visit our sessions at the Main stage:

Session 1

How to manage temperature and humidity in modern greenhouses in a sustainable and effective way?
A perfect climate and being energy efficient at the same time has always been a challenge. Shading screens are a good solution for reaching a higher energy efficiency, however the need for ventilation and dehumidification increased. How can you reach a controlled and equal climate with closed shading sceens?

Date: Tuesday 20 October
Time: 18.00-18.30 hr CET
Speakers: Lex van der Ende and Ferry van der Ende

Session 2

What is the impact of water scarcity or lack of quality water in the horticulture and how to manage this in the most efficient way?
The demand for clean water is increasing worldwide. At the sime time, there is growing pressure on the available water sources, and water scarcity is now a common problem. The need to use water efficiently is clear to everyone, and legislation is also being introduced to enforce this. How can we optimize the water efficiency and improve the water quality?

Date: Wednesday 21 October
Time: 18.00-18.30 hr CET
Speakers: Micha van Nieuwkerk and Luuk Tetteroo

We are looking forward to virtually seeing you!

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